Calculated Industries 4050 Construction Master 5 Construction Calculator

Calculated Industries 4050 Construction Master 5 Construction CalculatorManufacturer: Calculated Industries
Model: 4050
Rating: (4 reviews)

List Price: $69.95
Offer Price: $49.78
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  • Linear, area and volume solutions: convert dimensions, including metric
  • Complete rafter, roof and framing solutions, hip/valley, jacks and rake walls
  • Stair solutions are nearly automatic; risers, treads, stringer, incline
  • Built-in right-angle solutions; automatic square-ups
  • Circular and arc calculations; areas, diameters, circumference

Product Description
Unlike a regular calculator the Construction Master IV has intuitively labeled “construction keys” and a format that is so simple even the novice user will find it easy to solve hundreds of problems directly in feet inches and fractions:
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