Xantrex Xpower Powerpack Solar #852-2071

Xantrex Xpower Powerpack Solar #852-2071Manufacturer: Xantrex Technologies
Model: 852-2071
Rating: (5 reviews)

List Price: $180.95
Offer Price: $128.72
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  • Runs 120-volt AC or 12-volt DC products anywhere
  • Built-in 400-watt inverter
  • Two 120-volt AC outlets, one 12-volt DC socket and one USB port
  • Three-digit display for easy battery status monitoring
  • AC charger included so you can charge from a standard wall outlet

Product Description
xPower Powerpack SolarClean, Green Portable PowerThe XPower™ Powerpack Solar is the first portable power pack that incorporates solar power in a compact, portable power source. Its completely self-renewing, which means the detachable 5-watt solar panel has the ability to recharge the power packs 10 amp-hour battery. The 5-watt solar panel captures, stores and converts the suns renewable energy, replenishes the XPower Powerpack Solars battery, and extends the runtime of many devices by up to 25 percent.Product Features:

  • Runs 120-volt AC or 12-volt DC products anywhere
  • Built-in 400-watt inverter
  • Sealed, non-spillable 10 amp-hour AGM battery
  • Two 120-volt AC outlets, on 12-volt DC socket and one USB port
  • Three-digital display for easy battery status monitoring
  • Rubberized protection to guard against unit slipping
  • AC charger included so you can charge from a standard wall outlet
  • DC charger included so you can charge from a vehicle or RV


  • Operates and charges a portable DVD player, 13″ color TV, laptop, portable stereo, cordless phone, portable cooler and air compressor
  • Operates multiple products simultaneously

Xantrex part number 852-2071
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