Xantrex Technologies XPower Digital 800-Watt Power Inverter #813-0800-00

Xantrex Technologies XPower Digital 800-Watt Power Inverter #813-0800-00Manufacturer: Xantrex Technologies
Model: 813-0800-00
Rating: (2 reviews)

List Price: $99.99
Offer Price: $25.86
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  • 800-watt inverter for converting DC to AC power
  • Power electronic gear and appliances while on the road
  • Easy-to-read digital display indicates battery output
  • Small Profile for easy storage
  • 1-year warranty

Amazon.com Product Description
The Xantrex Technologies XPower Digital 800-Watt Power Inverter is designed to power electronics while on the go. With 800 watts of power, this digital inverter provides a convenient and powerful way to convert a vehicle’s battery power to AC power. Use it to power laptop computers, cell phones, camcorders, televisions and other electronic devices. Compact and lightweight, the XPower 800 easily connects to a vehicle’s battery. It features an advanced, interactive LED display, which provides the user with instant feedback on input current and output voltage, as well as valuable troubleshooting guidance through displayed fault codes. This unit’s automatic shutdown feature protects against overload, over temperature and low/high battery conditions. It comes with two 3-prong grounded AC outlets and DC terminals for easy, direct battery connection. The inverter is covered by a 1-year limited warranty.